was born in November 1955 in Araraquara ,São Paulo - Brazil. Lives 17 years in Portugal, after lived in Rome and Paris.
Started to exhibit her works in 1977 and since she taken part in numerous shows either collective or individuals various countries:
Brazil, Portugal, Italy, France, Canada, United States of America, Sweden, Spain, England, Cape Verde, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg, Líbano, Emirates Arab United and Israel.
Some exhibitions
Selected by Charles Saatchi by The Saatchi Art Gallery, London / Artexpo New York 2003/05 / 07,USA / L´maginaire Naïf, Culturel Center of Luxembourg / Art and Music, Institut Camões, Bruxells, Belgium / Forum of Creators Women of Mediterranean , Rhodes, Greece /Painters of Europe, Gina Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel / Brazil 97, Thompson´s Art Gallery, London/ The Economist Art Gallery, London/ Individual Show Mouraria Art Gallery, Island of Madeira / Solano Art Gallery , Albacete, Spain,/ Art Center Gallery Amoreiras,2001/2/3/4, Lisbon /Special Prize of Jury in XXIII Salon of Naïf Art, Gallery of Casino Estoril ,Lisbon / Peintre du Portugal, Center Culturel Sidney Bichet, Garches, France /Individual Pothoff Art Gallery, Lisbon / Art Expo 90,
Art Gallery, New York/ House of Brazilian Art, Campinas, Brazil.